What is the Four-fold Body
The human organism can be understood as a fourfold whole: The first member consists of the Physical Body, which enables us to exist on this physical plane. However, with only the physical body we would be lifeless and heavy like minerals. In order to function like an organism, to grow, to live and multiply, there must be a supersensible organizing principle, which is called in anthroposophical science Etheric Body or Life Body. It is basically the same principle that the ancient Chinese called “Chi” or “Qi”, Hippocrates ”Mucus”, Paracelsus “Archaeus”, and Hahnemann “Vital Force”. Its purest form manifests in the plant kingdom as growth, regeneration, and reproduction. In addition, we hold an even higher force, called Astral Body, which is responsible for movement, instincts, desires, dreams, emotions, and consciousness of the world around us. Its purest form is reflected in the behavior of animals. The fourth entity, called Ego or “I”, is completely unique to the human being. It gives us the ability for self-reflection, thinking, creativity, speech, erect posture, and to distinguish between right and wrong.