Everyday Verses

Everyday Verses

Lupang nagbigay ng pagkain
Araw na nagpahinog at nagpasarap din
Mahal naming araw
Mahal naming lupa
Salamat sa mabuting gawa.
The plant which we take from its dark earth night
Has grown pure and strong to its radiant light
So may we also, like that which we take
From out of the darkness arise and awake
~ Michael Burton


Sa pagkain.
(Blessings on the meal and those who prepared it.)
Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts.
~ Shakespeare



Good morning dear Earth
Good morning dear Sun
Good morning dear Trees and dear Flowers…every one.
Good morning dear Beasts and Birds on the tree
Good morning to you and good morning to me.
~ ]uIiet Comptonâ Burnett


I place myself steadfastly into existence
With certainty I tread the path of life
Love I nurse in the core of my being
Hope I lay into all my doing
Confidence I impress into my thinking.
~ Rudolf Steiner


Tall as a tree I stand,
Far reach my roots in the earth,
Grows into bloom my love.
~ Molly de Havas


Open wide the door to morning
Take love as you depart
Walk gently on the Earth
With kindness in your heart
Open wide the door to morning
Take courage as you go
Stand for the small and helpless
Work for the good to grow
Open wide the door to morning
Take beauty as a clay
And mold an act of thankfulness
For the blessing of this day



I meet my work
with strong limbs,
open hands,
proud heart.



When I am sad,
I want to cry

      • a puddle
      • a river
      • an ocean of tears

A downpour:

      • my sadness
      • my anger
      • my fears…

Then the storm rolls over,
And a rainbow appears!


I will breathe new life upon you
when your heart is sinking low,
I will wipe your brow and kiss your eyes
‘til the sadness decides to go,
And I’ll stand strong beside you
as you learn from sorrow’s pain,
That like the birds in springtime –
your joy will come again.



Two Angels on my head
Two Angels on my feet
Two Angels on my left
Two Angels on my right
Two Angels at my back
Two Angels at my front
And all the Angels love and protect me


From my head to my feet, I am the image of God
From my heart to my hands, I feel the breath of God
When I speak with my mouth, I follow God’s will
When I behold God everywhere
In mother, in father
In all dear people
In beast and flower
In tree and stone
Nothing brings fear
But love to all that is around me.


May light stream into you that can take hold of you.
I follow its rays with the warmth of my love.
I think with my thinking’s best thoughts of joy
0n the stirrings of your heart.
May they strengthen you,
May they carry you,
May they cleanse you.


I want to gather these thoughts of joy
Before the steps of your life,
That they unite with your will for life,
And find itself with strength
In the world,
Ever more,
Through itself.
~ Rudolf Steiner